Explore the signature series ‘My Personal Boundaries’  to learn about setting and maintaining healthy personal boundaries through engaging exercises and expert guidance from your NeuroGraphica coach and instructor Gergana Deenichina.

  • Mastering Personal Boundaries with Neurographica

In our fast-paced world, maintaining personal boundaries is crucial for mental and emotional well-being. 

Through my series, “My Personal Boundaries,” I aim to guide you on a transformative journey using the powerful method of Neurographica. 

This article summarizes the key insights from the series to help you master your personal boundaries.


Understanding Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are the invisible lines that define our physical, emotional, and mental space. They determine how we interact with others and how we allow others to interact with us. Healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining self-respect and protecting our well-being.


Part 1: Introduction to Personal Boundaries

In the first video, we explore the basic types of boundaries: physical, emotional, mental, and property. By visualizing these boundaries through a creative drawing exercise, we become more aware of their presence and importance. The Neurographica method helps make these invisible lines visible, allowing us to understand and assert them effectively.


Part 2: Recognizing Boundary Violations

The second video focuses on recognizing when our boundaries are being violated. Anger often signals a boundary violation. By understanding the different levels of anger and their triggers, we can better manage our responses.


Part 3: Assertive Communication

Assertive behavior is key to maintaining healthy boundaries. In the third video, we discuss the ten rules of assertive communication, emphasizing the importance of using “I” statements and respecting both our own and others’ boundaries.

Ten Rules of Assertive Communication:

  1. I have the right to determine my own behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
  2. I have the right not to name a reason or excuse to justify my behavior.
  3. I have the right to decide whether I am responsible for solving others’ problems.
  4. I have the right to change my mind.
  5. I have the right to say, “I don’t know.”
  6. I have the right to make mistakes and take responsibility for them.
  7. I have the right to be independent of others’ approval.
  8. I have the right to be irrational in my decision-making.
  9. I have the right to say, “I don’t understand.”
  10. I have the right to say, “I don’t care.”


Part 4: Reducing Anger and Balancing Emotions

In the final video, we introduce a method to reduce the intensity of anger using Neurographica. This technique helps balance our emotional state when our boundaries are violated. 

Mastering personal boundaries is a journey that involves self-awareness, assertive communication, and emotional balance. The Neurographica method provides a creative and effective way to visualize and manage these boundaries. By incorporating these exercises into your daily life, you can build healthier relationships and a stronger sense of self.

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Start your journey to mastering personal boundaries today with Neurographica!